Thursday, November 18, 2010


So the bike is going back together. I now have enormous respect for people who manage to get a bike reassembled without scratching everything along the way like I did. Also the paint colors are looking pretty good, I think if I do another one I am going to go all black, and keep the oil can and battery. It balances out the rear of the bike. If this had a twin it would look more menacing but right now it looks like a old cutdown boardtracker.

Learned a few things too.

Powder coat the trees the handlebars if you can manage. The paint is fine on them but man was it tough getting everything back together without scratching. I cringed every time I put something on.

Don't put you motor mounts in backwards. Nothing lines up.

Clutch adjustment on assembly not after.

Safety checklist, IE bleed the brakes. (I totally forgot)

Paint in big batches. I have been painting each little thing as needed, I broke down and spent about 3 hours prepping all the black bit and another night spraying them. Much faster now.

I managed to break the eye bolt which hold the rear axle in place on the left side. It was already cracked a bit as the paint had seeped into the bolt.

So the big errors found, two broken motor mount bolts a cracked rear eye bolt, EKK, one brake bolt cracked. I have no idea how this thing has stayed on the road, it must have rattled like the dikens.

So what's left. Mainly paint the tank and the rear fender, (Prepped and dry)
Get the plates on the bike (Easy)
Finish the wiring harness and hide all the wires (Not so easy, not so fun)
Decide on the front headlight color (More then likely another batch of rust)
Buy a new helmet. (Old one got dropped so I tossed it 10 years ago)
Locate new eye bolt.

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